Geographical Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Natural Resource Management
The focus of the iGEON e-learning programme is on the application of geoinformation for mapping, monitoring, modeling and management of the environment, forests and agricultural areas. As evidenced by the seventh of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, which relates to environmental sustainability, as well as other international agendas and agreements, the modeling and management of the environment, forest and food production is of major concern worldwide.
In the iGEON programme, you gain knowledge of forestry, agriculture and ecological systems, their components and interactions with society. At the same time you become competent and expert in the rapidly expanding field of geoinformation science and remote sensing. You will learn to work with the latest type of satellite imagery and to use a GIS for environmentally sound planning. You will learn to analyse our environment and the problems that are occurring and use the tools for identification of possible solutions.
By studying the iGEON programme you will not only develop an understanding of theories but also become able to master handle practical problems. After a solid introduction to Geoinformation Science in the compulsory courses, you will develop your own profile in the elective courses. Here you can choose from a wide range of electives; you can focus on global problems like climate change and food security or you can specialise in the more technical aspects of development and management of a GIS and its applications. In the final part of the programme, you will use this knowledge to undertake scientific research in a field of your interest.
Study online. What's it like?
Experience a online lecture. In the below video Michael Marshall gives a mini lecture on "Food Security", one of the topics addressed in the optional courses of this online Master's.